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What Can I Put Down My Garbage Disposal?


Any homeowner’s kitchen benefits significantly from a crucial addition—a garbage disposal. This powerful tool simplifies post-meal clean-up and prevents food scraps from causing plumbing blockages. While modern conveniences like the garbage disposal make life easier, issues can arise if you don’t take proper care.

What Not to Put Down a Garbage Disposal:

Coffee Grounds 

Coffee grounds might seem like they could easily be disposed of using a garbage disposal, but this is actually a common mistake that many people make. When coffee grounds mix with water, they form a sticky, dense mass that can cling to the blades of the garbage disposal and accumulate in the drainpipe. Over time, this buildup can cause a blockage that prevents water from flowing through the pipes and leads to a clogged sink. 

The problem with coffee grounds is that they don’t break down easily, and the thick mass they form can be difficult to dislodge once it accumulates in the pipes. Additionally, the oils in coffee can cling to the garbage disposals blades, causing them to become dull and less effective over time. As a result, it’s best to avoid putting coffee grounds down the garbage disposal altogether and dispose of them in the trash or compost pile instead. 


A pungent and unpleasant smell emanating from your garbage disposal is a common problem, and it is often caused by meat that has been put down the disposal. The reason is that meat scraps can easily get stuck to the inside of the disposal and rot, producing a putrid odor that can quickly fill up your kitchen. Meat remnants are best disposed of in the trash or compost pile. 

In addition to meat, bones should also be kept out of the garbage disposal. Although it may seem like a convenient way to dispose of them, the blades in the disposal are not designed to break down hard bones. Putting bones in the garbage disposal can damage the machine and cause it to become clogged, leading to costly repairs. It’s better to dispose of bones in the trash or compost pile, or use them for making bone broth.

Starchy Foods  

Certain types of foods may seem harmless to put down your garbage disposal, but in reality, they can cause serious blockages in your drain. For example, bread, oatmeal, pasta, and rice are all foods that expand when they come into contact with water. When these foods mix with water in your drain, they can form a sticky, gelatinous paste that can easily block up your sink. 

This paste can cling to the sides of your drainpipe, gradually building up over time and reducing water flow. In severe cases, it can cause a complete blockage, preventing any water from draining at all. If left untreated, this can lead to unpleasant smells, flooding, and even water damage. 

Shells, Nuts, or Peels 

When it comes to using a garbage disposal, it’s important to remember that not all food waste is suitable for disposal. As the paragraph mentions, seafood shells are one type of waste that should never be put down the garbage disposal. The reason for this is that shells are very tough and can break up into small pieces that can damage the blades of the disposal and cause clogs in the machinery. Over time, this can cause the disposal to malfunction and eventually break. 

In addition to seafood shells, there are several other types of waste that should also be avoided when using a garbage disposal. Eggshells, for example, are very hard and can also damage the blades. Similarly, nuts and fruit pits can be very tough and cause damage to the disposal. Vegetable peels and corn husks and cobs are also problematic because they are stringy and can wrap around the blades, causing clogs.

Grease, Oil, or Cooking Fat 

It’s important to be careful about what you pour down your sink, even if you don’t have a garbage disposal. In particular, materials such as grease, oil, and fat should never be poured down the sink, as they can cause serious issues.  

When grease, oil, or fat is poured down the sink, it may be in liquid form initially. However, as it cools, it will solidify and can create a blockage in your pipes. This blockage can be difficult and expensive to remove, and may even require the help of a professional plumber.

Fibrous Foods  

While it’s true that many vegetables are healthy and nutritious, not all of them are suitable for disposal in a garbage disposal. The sentence mentions several vegetables that are particularly problematic due to their stringy nature.  

Vegetables such as celery, kale, lettuce, chard, artichokes, asparagus, pumpkins, and rhubarb all have long, fibrous strands that can easily get tangled up in the blades of a garbage disposal. When this happens, the disposal may become jammed or clogged, and may even stop working altogether.

Non-Food Items 

When it comes to using a garbage disposal, it’s important to be aware of what you’re putting down the drain. While certain types of food waste can be safely disposed of in a garbage disposal, other items can cause serious problems. 

As the paragraph notes, it’s not uncommon for utensils such as forks or spoons to accidentally fall into the sink and get caught in the blades of the disposal. This can cause a loud grinding noise and may even damage the blades or motor. Similarly, food wrappers or napkins can also cause issues if they get stuck in the disposal.  

To avoid these types of problems, it’s important to take a quick look before starting your garbage disposal. Check the sink for any stray utensils or other items that may have accidentally fallen in. It’s also a good idea to avoid putting anything down the disposal that isn’t food waste, such as cleaning products or chemicals.

Caustic Cleaning Chemicals  

When it comes to maintaining your garbage disposal, it’s important to use the right types of cleaning products. While it may be tempting to use harsh chemicals such as drain cleaner or bleach, these products can actually do more harm than good. 

Baking soda is a great natural cleaning agent that can help to neutralize odors and remove buildup in the disposal. Simply sprinkle some baking soda down the drain and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing with hot water.

What Can Be Put Down a Garbage Disposal:  

Soft & Liquid Foods

A good rule for food is you can feed it to your baby, you can put it down your garbage disposal. This means that many types of solid foods, such as fruits and vegetables (without peels), can be safely disposed of in the garbage disposal. However, it’s important to chop these foods up into small pieces beforehand so that they don’t strain the unit. 

It’s worth noting that while many types of food waste can be safely disposed of in the garbage disposal, there are still some items that should be avoided. As mentioned in earlier paragraphs, foods with fibrous or stringy textures (such as celery or asparagus) should be avoided, as should hard items like bones or fruit pits.


Using ice cubes in your garbage disposal can be an effective way to keep it clean and free of buildup. When ground up, the ice can help to dislodge any food residue that is stuck to the blades or the walls of the unit. 

To use ice in your garbage disposal, simply throw a few ice cubes down the drain along with your food waste and grind them up. This can help to keep the blades sharp and prevent clogs or other issues.

Citrus Fruits 

Keep your garbage disposal smelling fresh by using frozen citrus peels. Simply store a bag of orange, lemon, or other citrus peels in the freezer and toss some down the drain when needed.

To prevent unnecessary stress on the garbage disposal, cut the citrus peels into small, bite-sized pieces before putting them down the drain to avoid potential clogs or damage to the machine.
