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Why Should I Test My Indoor Air Quality and How?


Indoor air pollution is an important concern that can be easy to overlook. Foul odors, discomfort, and health issues may all be signs that there is something wrong with your indoor air quality. Testing for this pollution can help you identify hidden risks that could result in negative side effects for you and your family.


Do I Have a Carbon Monoxide Leak?

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that is produced by combustion appliances like gas stoves, furnaces, wood burning stoves, and fireplaces. Carbon monoxide exposure can be deadly, and combustion can release airborne particles that can harm your respiratory health.

Are There Pesticides in My Air?

Pesticides commonly used to control insects and rodents can absolutely negatively affect your indoor air quality. Two-thirds of US families use these pesticides, so testing for indoor air quality is likely to show pesticides present in your air. High levels of these chemicals can be especially dangerous if applied incorrectly.

Do I Have Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)?

VOCs are emitted by various items in your home, including paint, furniture, and cleansers and are present in most homes. Even at low levels, they can cause headaches and nausea, and long-term exposure can cause much more serious health impacts.

Do I Have Bacteria, Mildew, or Mold?

Contaminants like mold, mildew, bacteria, and fungus can spread in warm, humid air. These can cause irritation to the eyes and skin, respiratory issues, and make existing conditions like asthma much worse. Testing your indoor air quality can alert you to the presence of these contaminants.

Do I Have Pest Droppings?

Dust mites, cockroaches, and mice leave behind droppings that can cause or exacerbate respiratory issues. It is important to test your indoor air quality if you have young children or elderly people living in your home.


Begin With a Visual Inspection

Start with a space inspection to identify any potential indoor air quality issues. That will enable you to spot potential problem spots. Take note of the following:

Odors & Smells

Most indoor air pollution causes are invisible to the naked eye, but many of them are detectable by scent. These would include cleaning chemicals, building materials, pesticides, cigarette smoke, fireplaces, and musty mildew odors. Use scent-free cleaning supplies to remove any chemical contamination you find.

Water Damage

The growth of mold and mildew in your home can be caused by leaks and other sources of moisture. Look for leaks or pools of water from your roof or in or around your heating, cooling, and plumbing systems. Immediately repair any leaks and dispose of any items such ceiling tiles, carpeting, and wall boards that have water damage.


Does your home have appropriate locations for fresh air intakes? Check to see if they might be too close to sources of outdoor air pollution or exhaust vents. Your heating and cooling ducts may also be harboring contaminants like mold, dust mites, and other pests.
